Now with an update on the naan bread!
Another recipe was tried the next day, and the bread was baked on a hot baking stone. The results looked like this:
Naan bread with ghee, parsley and garlic
This I was very happy with. Bubbling up in the right places as well as thin and crusty. Yum yum.
Today I jump into one of my weak spots. The curry. I find it very difficult to get a good curry taste in my curry dishes, whether it's an Indian chicken curry, or the danish style dish "Boller i karry" - Meatballs in curry sauce. I have tried every trick in the book, bought the most expensive curry, used cream to round off the taste, burned the curry powder, but it seems no matter what I do, the dish just tastes spicy but not flavorish. I suspect that what I need to do is to use a smaller amount of good curry powder and then add a flavor enhancer during cooking. I think I will try that next time.
For today's meal, I made a chicken curry with a lot of different spices but no special vegetables or anything. So straight up meat and taste. As a side dish I made jasmine rice, which for the first time in my life, I burned at the bottom - very embarrassing.
As a special side dish, I tried to cook naan bread. My first time ever with this, and unfortunately it was not that successful. Maybe it is just not possible without a tandoori oven. I thought that maybe it would be okay, since my boyfriend and I have invested in a baking stone made of lava, initially bought for pizza making - someday I will post some of my boyfriend's master pieces - pizza we can do :D. Since the naan bread did not turn out perfect, I will try another recipe again tomorrow, and make sure that the baking stone is fully heated - I think this might be the reason together with a bad recipe for the naan disaster of today.
Finally, I would have made some mint yogurt, but my mint was sad and not up for it - I grow it myself. The only thing I have kept alive for several months though. With no mint, and nothing else in the fridge, I tried to combine some different spices with the skyr (youghurt). This turned out good.
I marinated the chicken in some spices and yogurt for 30 minutes
Ghee made by melting butter and removing the "fatty" stuff
Ingredients for the dressing
Ingredients for the chicken curry
The rather unsuccessful naan bread. Although it looks good.
The final result
Short notes on the meal:
The curry was strong, but not very flavorful. This I unfortunately expected. The rice was too sticky - this I will make up for another time, as rice are not difficult to make. The Naan looked nice, but it did not "pop". No air bubbles inside, just heavy bread. The dressing was good, and delivered a nice kick to the meal.
1 dL skyr
1 tbsp of honey
½ a lime
Cayenne pepper
Ginger powder
Coriander powder
Cider vinegar
Mix all ingredients together and taste. It can be quite bitter like when tasted alone, but then try to put on some bread or something.
1 onion
1 tomato
1 clove of garlic
1 chili
Coriander powder
Ginger powder
Curry powder
2 dL milk
2 tbsp olive oil
Cashew nuts
900 g chicken (inner fillets or breast)
25 g butter
1 apple
1 dL cream
Chop onions, tomatoes, chili and garlic. Grate the apple. Burn a couple of tablespoons of curry in some oil and butter. Add the chili and garlic and cook for a short while. Add the chopped onions and the grated apple (the apples gives some starch to help thicken the sauce). Add the chicken inner fillets to the mix. Add tomatoes. When cooked through, add the seasonings and milk. When the curry has simmered for around 10 minutes, adjust the sauce thickness by some Maizena or milk and flour. Finally add the cream together with cashew nuts. The cream should not could for long. Preferably the cream should not boil.
Cook rice as prescribed on the pack.
I will not list the recipe for the naan bread, since they were not successful. If I am to succeed tomorrow, I will update the post.
Serve the rice with curry, naan bread and dressing.